
Treating fibromyalgia – to heal it, feel it.

Treating Fibromyalgia – to Heal it, Feel it.

“Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger, spiritually, than we were before. Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed.”

— Alice Walker, Living by the Word

George came to The Garden Of Peace with his wife as a last resort to cure years of pain, depression, fatigue and stiffness associated with his condition, diagnosed by doctors in the U.S as Fibro Myalgia. This condition has no official cause or cure and is closely associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He also wanted to heal and grow emotionally and spiritually to be both a better husband and father. What was revealed for George is that all these intentions in reality are inseparable from one another.

As a holistic healing centre, we look at the whole being when treating patients. Peruvian Vegetalistas and Ayahuasqueros like the Curandero’s we work with see physical illness as also being an expression of spiritual, emotional and energetic imbalances. In George’s case this rang very true.

George undertook at 10 day Ayahuasca and Master Plant Dieta where he drank Renaco, a native Amazonian tree and sacred master plant. This plant heals the joints, soft tissues, ligaments, lungs, tendons and emotional well-being. Almost immediately his joints began to swell and stiffen, until he could not even get out of bed. His Ayahuasca ceremonies involved deep releases of anger, pain, sadness and insights to his whole life, including relationships, past experiences and present challenges. This release of pain on all levels  was a necessary part of George’s healing and this physical reaction is common when patients with arthritis, MS, Fibromyalia or other inflammatory conditions present for a dieta.

So much of western medicine focuses on suppressing uncomfortable symptoms, but this does not allow the energetic, emotional and other aspects of the illness to be processed consciously, which is exactly what George experienced here in Peru. Looking at oneself clearly, feeling into the blockages, not running and hiding from them or twisting them into something else any longer. This is not a vacation in the jungle, but serious, deep and transformation work that requires us to step up and get very real about the health of our total being, including d body and spirit.

From the perspective of the Curandero’s here at The Garden Of Peace, George was purging out his illness by experiencing these full symptoms. We supported him through this but largely this is personal work. With courage, surrender and an open heart George faced this challenge admirably. He had to return to the U.S a little earlier than we would have liked and was still experiencing the effects of the dieta. For this reason we suggest you allow yourself at least a week after your retreat before needing to travel onwards.

We will update you soon with news of his progress.

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