Replanting Ayahuasca, reap what you sow.

Replanting Ayahuasca, reap what you sow.

Replanting Ayahuasca, Reap What You Sow.

The ever-increasing popularity of Ayahuasca and traditional Amazonian plant medicines has generated a flood of travellers to Peru. This increases the consumption of these plants almost, exponentially. While it is all well and good for people to receive healing, the responsibility for replacing wild reserves of medicinal plants lies with those who facilitate this healing.

Here at El Jardin, we are particularly aware of just how much Ayahuasca is being taken from the wild to meet the demand of “extranjeros” or foreigners. At a minimum the Ayahuasca vine takes 5 years to mature to a point where it can be used for medicine, however 10 years plus is far more preferable, this is not a short turnaround.

We have planted Ayahuasca throughout the property at El Jardin, however we don’t have a huge amount of land. We are working towards purchasing more virgin jungle adjacent to the center with the goals of a) protecting the land from deforestation and b) cultivating more medicinal plants including Ayahuasca and sacred trees such as Renaco, Chuchawasha and Ajo Sacha.

Questions of sustainability are important as Ayahuasca and other plants spread in demand around the world. Also we feel strongly that indigenous people’s that have used his medicine for thousands of years should not find themselves lacking resources because of the financial dynamics associated with travellers coming to Peru for healing or increased foreign demand exporting this medicine.

It is the responsibility of us all to not take more than we give, this natural medicine teaches us more than anything that harmony is the key to wellbeing.

Harmony with environment, with self, with spirit, with each other.

Let’s walk the earth in Harmony.

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