Bobinsana – Medicine To Open The Heart Previous item The holy herb for...

Bobinsana – Medicine To Open The Heart

Bobinsana – Medicine To Open The Heart

In the tradition of Amazonian Shamanism not only is Ayahuasca used but many, many other powerful plants. The Curandero/a who has the knowledge of these plants is called a Vegetalista. One plant which is deeply loved, respected and used often in this path and at The Garden is a beautiful flowering tree called Bobinsana.

I made my first ever dieta with Bobinsana and she cracked my heart open so wide I felt I was dissolving into love itself. This medium sized tree grows near water and has very pretty pink flowers. During dieta, one goes into solitude and eats a specific plain diet along with drinking a tonic made from the specific medicinal plant they are working with. Combined with Ayahuasca ceremonies and the connection the Curandero/a has with the plant, little by little the unique energetic awareness and quality of the plant starts to emerge in the consciousness of the dieter.

While Bobinsana is renowned for helping to heal physical issues relating to the blood and circulation, urinary systems and lungs amongst other things it was the emotional and spiritual qualities of healing I received which left me so enamored with the dieta process and this special plant.

After two or three days I started to feel a real softening in my whole energy field, my heart was aching with a yearning, a connection to love that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. At the time I was processing new romantic feelings for someone, pondering my whole life’s direction and many other more existential questions about the nature of reality and ethical living, service, purpose etc. Bobinsana opened me to a sense of surrender, receptivity and connection with life that I had no idea would come or that I was capable of feeling. I knew Ayahuasca was powerful and indeed she is. However the ceremonies I did during this first diet I now realize were colored with both the spirit of Ayahuasca and the Bobinsana. Ayahuasca ceremonies in dieta are rather different than ceremonies outside of dieta. During this first dieta experience Ayahuasca allowed me to more directly perceive the Bobinsana which is not so blatantly psychoactive, but they also worked together to open and heal me on all levels

Plant spirit teamwork.

The concept of a plant spirit may seem hypothetical to some, but when one undertakes this deeply traditional, strict and intensive experience that is the dieta, you have a chance to know experientially what this really means. For example I was drawing each day and one image I drew early on was of a love heart with a huge drop of blood falling into a magical river, so obscure until I found out after the fact that Bobinsana grows alongside the rivers, heals the heart and the blood.. she was speaking to me through the art.

Needless to say, after that dieta my life totally changed I embarked on a partnership that has taken me deeper into my souls expansion and service to life than I could have ever anticipated, healed some pretty painful arthritis in my ankle that has never returned and… I started to sing.

Medicine songs used in Ayahuasca shamanism are called Icaros, they are direct vibrational sounds patterns channeled through the singer from the plants. They are plants singing through us. My first Icaro came through during this Bobinsana dieta, a sweet angelic gospel song that to this days brings peace into my heart and reminds me that life is essentially sourced from the pure vibration of love. A lesson that I always come back to in the end of almost every spiritual question I have asked since.

You can hear the icaro here:


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