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Attitude is everything

Attitude is everything

The Garden of Peace is not a place to BE healed, it is a place you come and heal yourself.

Consumer culture is deeply embedded in the modern western psyche and time and time again we see what a detrimental effect this has on the dieta process of our guests. It can be difficult to identify this attitude in ourselves, because these kind of expectations operate on an almost subconscious level, assimilated after a lifetime of living within this value system. Consumer culture says that because we have paid for something it is natural to expect our experience and results will be delivered as part of a logical exchange, like buying a massage or a lovely dinner.

Sorry, that is just not how this wisdom path works. We can’t deliver it to you, not in the deeply integrated way that will really serve you long term. What we do offer is the tools, guidance, space and hospitality to facilitate you doing your own work, and that is what you pay for.

More specifically the money that you pay in exchange for staying at The Garden supports the material running costs of the center such as food, transport, building, wages and philanthropic reinvestments that we make to the local community.

The reality is this; You come here to work on yourself and for yourself in communion with the sacred plants, including Ayahuasca, Tabacco and many more. The more diligently you apply yourself to the dieta process the deeper your experience will be. Though it may seem to be a paradox, surrendering is a big part of that process. Releasing your expectations while also maintaining the discipline to follow the guidelines we set out for you. These include keeping quiet and to yourself, resting, containing your energy, meditating, not distracting yourself with devices or constantly reading, we suggest output is sometimes more helpful than input. They are simple guidelines but as your sensitivity increases and the plants and spirits start working with you it is very tempting to resist, make excuses, seek distractions or get frustrated.

Our advice at this point? Release expectations, surrender, focus, repeat.

When you start to engage with your dieta in this respectful, humble and devotional way the magical experiences your spirit is leading you towards will start to appear. Opening, healing, cleansing, learning. Beautiful, powerful medicine from the earth and stars. It’s all here for you if you are willing and able to work with it, and we, well, we are more than happy to hold space and guidance for you to do that, be we can’t do it for you and maybe that is one of the greatest lessons of all. Self-responsibility that manifests in the most loving and empowered way.

These sacred plant medicines provide us with  an opportunity to be sovereign, free, authentic, clean, well and strong, living from the heart, aligned, balanced and connected, but it is a path we must at times walk in solitude, for it is yours and yours alone to discover and that’s what makes it so sacred and so powerful.

Read more about Ayahuasca and Master plant dietas here.

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